In Progress…

Working Papers

* “Labor Market Adjustment to Import Competition: Long-run Evidence from Establishment Data”, with Juan Blyde, Matias Busso
* “The Environmental Impact of Civil Conflict: The Deforestation Effect of Paramilitary Expansion in Colombia” (With Leopoldo Fergusson and Juan Vargas)

Work in Progress

* An Empire Lost: Spanish Industry and The Effect of Colonial Markets and Trade on Innovation
* Non-State Actors in Pandemic: Violence as a Territorial Control Strategy during COVID-19 (With Diego Martin)
* Every Cloud has a Silver Lining: The Effect of Cotton Crisis on Spanish XIXth Century Textile Industry
* The effects of US military training during the Cold War in Latin-America
* Civilians in the Time of Counterinsurgency: The Consequences of Foreign Military Training in Colombia
* Something Biased This Way Comes: The Effect of Media on Local Elections in US (With Haaris Mateen)